Making Space for Students of Color on Campus Melanin Speaking is no ordinary student publication or campus organization. It’s a phenomenon. Taking campus conversation about race and identity to a new level, Melanin Speaking makes …
English Majors Awards Ceremony
On April 29th, family, friends, faculty, and other members of the English department community celebrated the achievements of our wonderful undergraduate students. Highlights included numerous awards for student writing on topics ranging from the Modernist …
Alicia Ostriker Wins UW-English 2018 Distinguished Alumni Award
Poet. Scholar. Teacher. Alicia Ostriker has hit all these marks and more since earning her PhD in English from UW–Madison in 1964. Alicia’s first collection of poems, Songs, was published in 1969. Over the intervening …
Your Guide to English Celebration of Graduates 2018
Please join us for the Department of English Celebration of Graduates Friday, May 11, 2018 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Elvehjem Museum 800 University Avenue (in the Chazen Museum on UW campus) The venue …
Writing Rivers, Stuart Deets, and “How to Create a More Beautiful Earth”
Last fall, English Department senior, Stuart Deets, completed a final project for Professor Caroline Gottschalk Druschke‘s “Writing Rivers” course (a section of English 245). Stuart’s project involved taking photos of Madison lakes, developing them in …