Teaching Faculty

Monique Allewaert

Position title: Professor

Email: allewaert@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 6131

Laila Amine

Position title: Professor of English

Email: laila.amine@wisc.edu

7167 Helen C White

Emily Auerbach

Position title: Professor of Continuing Studies

Email: eauerbach@dcs.wisc.edu

Room 7223, 21 N Park Street

Iman Sheydaei Baghdadeh

Position title: Lecturer

Email: sheydaeibagh@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 5158

Megan Bailon

Position title: Lecturer

Email: bailon@wisc.edu

Ingraham Hall, Rm 308

Amy Quan Barry

Position title: Lorraine Hansberry Professor of English

Email: aqbarry@wisc.edu

6195H Helen C. White Hall

Elizabeth B. Bearden

Position title: Professor

Email: ebearden@wisc.edu

7147 Helen C. White Hall

Richard Begam

Position title: Professor

Email: rjbegam@wisc.edu

6147 Helen C. White

Michael Bernard-Donals

Position title: Chaim Perelman Professor of Rhetoric and Culture

Email: michael.bernarddonals@wisc.edu

6187A Helen C. White Hall

Sean Bishop

Position title: Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing Program Coordinator

Email: sbbishop@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-3658

6195A Helen C. White

Leslie Bow

Position title: Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, English and Asian American Studies Dorothy Draheim Professor of English

Email: lbow@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 7179

Joseph Bowling

Position title: Lecturer

Email: jdbowling@wisc.edu

6119 Helen C. White Hall

Joshua Calhoun

Position title: Associate Professor; Associate Chair of the English Department

Email: joshua.calhoun@wisc.edu

6161 Helen C. White Hall

Russ Castronovo

Position title: Tom Paine Professor of English and Dorothy Draheim Professor of American Studies

Email: rcastronovo@wisc.edu

7133 Helen C. White Hall

Ellen Cecil-Lemkin

Position title: Writing Center Teaching Faculty

Email: cecillemkin@wisc.edu

Jacee Cho

Position title: Vilas Associate Professor, English Language and Linguistics

Email: jacee.cho@wisc.edu

6107 Helen C. White Hall

Jennifer L. Conrad

Position title: Writing Center Teaching Faculty

Email: jlconrad@wisc.edu

Helen C. White, Rm. 6127

Lisa H. Cooper

Position title: Professor

Email: lhcooper@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall

Theresa Delgadillo

Position title: Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, English and Chican@/Latin@ Studies

Email: tdelgadillo@wisc.edu

Aparna Dharwadker

Position title: Professor

Email: adharwadker@wisc.edu

Helen C White Hall, Rm. 7125

Vinay Dharwadker

Position title: Professor of English

Email: vdharwadker@wisc.edu

ingrid diran

Position title: Assistant Professor

Email: diran@wisc.edu

Helen C. White, Rm. 6113

Lindsay Dunne Jacoby

Position title: Lecturer

Email: ldjacoby2@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 7184

Ainehi Edoro

Position title: Vilas Early Career Professor and Constellations Mellon-Morgridge Professor

Email: aedoro@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall

Sarah Ensor

Position title: Assistant Professor

Email: sarah.ensor@wisc.edu

Helen C. White, Rm. 6111

Ramzi Fawaz

Position title: Romnes Professor of English

Email: fawaz@wisc.edu

7161 Helen C. White Hall

Yanie Fécu

Position title: Assistant Professor

Email: fecu@wisc.edu

Martin Foys

Position title: Director of Graduate Studies; Nancy C. Hoefs Professor of English

Email: foys@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 7195F

Colin Gillis

Position title: Associate Lecturer

Email: cgillis@wisc.edu

7195C Helen C. White Hall

Ralph Grunewald

Position title: Mellon-Morgridge Professor of the Humanities

Email: grunewald@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 7163

Emily Hall

Position title: Writing Fellows Director and Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Director

Email: ebhall@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-3823

6187F Helen C. White

Ron Harris

Position title: Instructional Coordinator

Email: rwharris@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-3795

7187D Helen C. White

Kristina Huang

Position title: Assistant Professor

Email: kristina.huang@wisc.edu

Juliet Huynh

Position title: Assistant Professor

Email: jhuynh5@wisc.edu

6141 Helen C. White Hall

Óscar Iván Useche

Position title: Lecturer

Email: ouseche@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 7166

Lisa Marvel Johnson

Position title: Writing Center Teaching Faculty

Email: lmjohnson32@wisc.edu

Helen C. White, Rm. 6125

Anja Jovic-Humphrey

Position title: Senior Lecturer

Josh Kalscheur

Position title: Lecturer

Email: jkalscheur@wisc.edu

Nancy Linh Karls

Position title: Director of the Writing Center

Email: nkarls@wisc.edu

Phone: 608-263-4512

6187B Helen C. White Hall

Sara Kelm

Position title: Associate Director of English 100; Teaching Faculty

Email: sakelm@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 6183

Raquel Kennon

Position title: Associate Professor

Email: rkennon@wisc.edu

Ron Kuka

Credentials: MFA

Position title: Teaching Faculty and Creative Writing Program Coordinator

Email: rfkuka@wisc.edu

6195B Helen C. White Hall

Eileen Lagman

Position title: Assistant Professor

Email: lagman@wisc.edu

Helen C White Hall

Abigail Letak

Position title: Writing Center Teaching Faculty and Associate Director of Writing Across the Curriculum

Email: letak@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 6165

Nate Marshall

Position title: Assistant Professor

Email: nmarshall2@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 6195D

Noreen McAuliffe

Position title: Lecturer

Email: nmcauliffe@wisc.edu

Erika Meitner

Position title: Professor

Email: esmeitner@wisc.edu

Kate Merz

Position title: Lecturer

Email: mkmerz@wisc.edu

Helen C. White, Rm. 7195C

Dantiel Moniz

Position title: Assistant Professor

Email: dmoniz@wisc.edu

John Mulvihill

Position title: Lecturer

Email: jmulvihill@wisc.edu

Frederic Neyrat

Position title: Professor; Mellon-Morgridge Professor of Planetary Humanities

Email: neyrat@wisc.edu

7143 Helen C. White Hall

Beth (Bich Minh) Nguyen

Position title: Dorothy Draheim Professor & Director of MFA Program in Creative Writing

Email: bnguyen9@wisc.edu

Helen C White, Rm. 6195

Christa J. Olson

Position title: Department Chair; Marjorie and Lorin Tiefenthaler Professor of English

Mario Ortiz-Robles

Position title: Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor | Nancy C. Hoefs Professor of English | Senior Fellow, Institute for Research in the Humanities

Email: mortizrobles@wisc.edu

6135 Helen C. White Hall

Amadi Ozier

Position title: Assistant Professor

Jen Plants

Position title: Teaching Faculty

Email: plants@wisc.edu

7186 Helen C. White Hall

Thomas C. Purnell

Position title: Professor

Email: tcpurnell@wisc.edu

6109 Helen C. White Hall

Eric Raimy

Position title: Marjorie and Lorin Tiefenthaler Professor of English

Email: raimy@wisc.edu

7123 Helen C. White Hall

Marjorie Rhine

Position title: Lecturer

Email: merhine@wisc.edu

Alison Rollins

Position title: Assistant Professor

Email: acrollins@wisc.edu

Porter Shreve

Position title: Mark and Elisabeth Eccles Professor of English

Email: pshreve@wisc.edu

6195 Helen C White

Amanda Shubert

Position title: Teaching Faculty

Email: ashubert@wisc.edu

Teacher Education Building, Rm. 456a

Kirk Bryan Sides

Position title: Assistant Professor

Email: ksides@wisc.edu

Nick Story

Position title: Lecturer

Email: nstory@wisc.edu

Heather Swan

Position title: Senior Lecturer

Email: hsrosenthal@wisc.edu

6115 Helen C. White

Paul Tran

Position title: Assistant Professor of English and Asian American Studies

Email: paul.tran@wisc.edu

Helen C. White 6195F
Office hours by appointment

Mary Trotter

Position title: Associate Professor, English and Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies

Email: mtrotter@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 7195G

Seth Umbaugh

Position title: Teaching Faculty II (Writing Center), Associate Director of Madison Writing Assistance

Email: umbaugh@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 6163

Mark Vareschi

Position title: Associate Professor

Email: vareschi@wisc.edu

6105 Helen C. White

Jess Waggoner

Position title: Assistant Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies

Email: waggoner2@wisc.edu

Anja Wanner

Position title: Enid H. Anderson Professor of English

Email: awanner@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 6103

Sarah Ann Wells

Position title: Associate Professor

Email: swells5@wisc.edu

Sarah Wood

Position title: Senior Lecturer

Email: sarah.wood@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 7131

Morris Young

Position title: Charles Q. Anderson Professor of English; Director of English 100; Affiliate, Asian American Studies

Email: msyoung4@wisc.edu

6187C Helen C. White Hall

Timothy Yu

Position title: Martha Meier Renk-Bascom Professor of Poetry

Email: tpyu@wisc.edu

7137 Helen C. White Hall

David A. Zimmerman

Position title: Elizabeth Ritzmann Professor of English; Director of Undergraduate Studies

Email: dazimmerman@wisc.edu

Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 6187

Jordan L. Zweck

Position title: Associate Professor

Email: jlzweck@wisc.edu

6145 Helen C. White Hall