English 100 Students
Course Description
English 100 can help you make more informed decisions about the writing you do. As an introduction to college composition and one way to fulfill the Communications A requirement, the course will help you see writing as a situated practice that takes into account the rhetorical situation to inform why you write, what you write, and how you write.
English 100 asks students to engage with the following questions:
- Who are your audiences and what are your purposes for writing?
- How do you use different genres or discourse conventions to make your writing effective?
- How can you use information and reliable sources to develop an effective writing project?
- What can you do to make a research presentation interesting?
- How can you contribute to creating a lively and engaged classroom conversation through speaking and listening well?
- Developing strategies in planning writing
- Developing rhetorical awareness
- Developing the drafting process
- Developing strategies for revising
- Developing information-seeking skills and strategies
Resources for English 100 Students
- English 100 Tutorial Program offers students a chance to meet one-on-one with an experienced instructor outside their own class setting.
- The McBurney Disability Center offers consultations and resources for promoting educational accessibility.
- The English 100 Admin Team invites you to contact them with any questions you have about the course.