Job Placement


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Antonio Tang, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dissertation: The Nation, the Group, the Individual: Towards an Embodied
Rhetorical History of Early 20th Century Chinese University
Students in America

Antonio Byrd, University of Missouri-Kansas City

Dissertation: In Pursuit of Uncommon Literacies: African American Adults’
Experience in a Code Bootcamp

Brandee Easter, York University (Canada)

Dissertation: Weird Code: Gender and Programming Languages

Elisa Findlay, St. Mary’s College of California

Dissertation: When Writers Aren’t Authors: Workplace Literacies in the Age
of Mass Writing

Matthew Fledderjohann, La Moyne College

Dissertation: When Writers Encounter Dissonance

Neil Simpkins, University of Washington-Bothell

Dissertation: On Being Accommodated: The Rhetorical Tactics of Disabled
College Writers

Kathleen Daly Weisse, Marist College

Dissertation: Votes, Genes, Grades: Deconstructing Big Data’s Rhetorical


Rachel Carrales, Madison College

Dissertation: The New Domesticity: How Social Movements Sponsor the
Literacy Practices of Twenty-First Century Mothers

Maggie Bertucci Hamper, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville

Dissertation: How Basic Writing Does (and Doesn’t) Matter for Working Class
College Students’ Success

Annika Konrad, Dartmouth College

Dissertation: Arguing for Access: Everyday Rhetorical Labor of Disability

Stephanie Larson, Carnegie Mellon University

Dissertation: How to Discipline a Woman’s Body: Sensation, Rape Culture, and
U.S. Publics


Anna Floch Arcello, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Dissertation: ‘Love in Action’: The Transformative Role of Emotion in Writing
and Learning Contexts

Leigh Elion, Emory University

Dissertation: Visualizing Changing Communities: Gentrification and the
Rhetoric of Public Art in 21st-Century San Francisco

Kim Moreland, University of North Texas

Dissertation: Authorship: Intention and Responsibility in Networks


Ruben Casas, University of Washington-Tacoma

Dissertation: In/visibility, Mobility, and Making Do in Contemporary Latina/o
Immigrant Rhetorics

Chris Earle, University of Nevada-Reno

Dissertation: Dead Words: Constrained Agency and Prisoners’ Rhetorical Care
of the Self

David Hudson

Dissertation: Unsettling Service: Rhetorical Education in the Chicago
Settlement House Movement, 1890-1968

Elisabeth Miller, University of Nevada-Reno

Dissertation: Writing after Aphasia: Toward an Embodied Theory of Literacy

Adedoyin Ogunfeyimi, Dartmouth College

Dissertation: Manifest Ethos: The Making of a Hospitable Ecology

Christopher Syrnyk, Oregon Institute of Technology

Dissertation: On Behalf of Others: Rhetoric as an Act of Recognition and the
Rhetorical Problems of Voiceless Others

Sharon Yam, University of Kentucky

Dissertation: Locust, Ah Cha, and Bun Mui: Affect, Emotion, and Transnational
Citizenship in Hong Kong


Michael Dimmick, University of Houston-Downtown

Dissertation: Embodied Placemaking as a Rhetoric of Citizenship on Johns Island, South Carolina

Nancy Reddy, Stockton University

Dissertation: Re-Entangling Literacy: A Historical Study of Extracurricular Writing Practices

Becca Tarsa, Trinity College

Dissertation: Casual Affinities

Anne Wheeler, Springfield College

Dissertation: Contested Impressions: Visual Remembering of Japanese American Incarceration

Stephanie White, University of Waterloo

Dissertation: “I Stopped Writing for Myself”: Student Perspectives on Service-Learning in Composition


Timothy Johnson, University of Louisville

Dissertation: Making the Invisible Hand Visible: Ford Motor Company, Industrial Film, and the Rise of Economic-Organizational Rhetoric

Peter Mayshle, Hobart & William Smith Colleges

Dissertation: Walled “Memoria”: Presencing Memory Sites in Intramuros, Manila

Chrissy Stephenson, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dissertation: What They Set Before Themselves: Civic Learning, Cocurricular Rhetorical Engagement, and the Undergraduate Protopublic


Melvin Hall, Georgetown University

Dissertation: Words, Substance, War: The Rhetorical Constitution of Iraq’s Combined Security Mechanism

Antonia Massa-McLeod, University of Central Arkansas

Dissertation: Creating Ecotopia: Sustainability Discourse and Dissent in the American Public Sphere


Cydney Alexis, Rowan University

Dissertation: Why Things Matter to Writing: A Material Perspective on Literacy and Selfhood

James Daniel, University of Texas-Tyler

Dissertation: Agent and Event: Rhetorical Dissent in the Context of Globalization

Melanie Hoftyzer, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dissertation: Narrative, Ethos, and Artificial Fluoridation: The ‘Storying’ of a Public Health Policy

Rebecca Lorimer, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Dissertation: Traveling Literacies: Writing Among Languages and Locations

Dave Stock, Brigham Young University

Dissertation: The Distribution of Rhetorical Education at a Public Midwest University, 1874-1927


Maria Bibbs, Memphis College of Art

Dissertation: The African American literacy myth: Literacy’s ethical objective during the Progressive Era, 1890-1919

Beth Godbee, Marquette University

Dissertation: Small talk, big change: Identifying potentials for social change in one-with-one talk about writing

Jacque Preston, Utah Valley University

Dissertation: The fertile commonplace: Collective persuasions, interpretive acts, and dialectical spaces

Karen Redfield, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dissertation: Inside the circle, outside the circle: The survivance of American Indian storytelling and the development of rhetorical strategies in English


Scot Barnett, Indiana University

Dissertation: Arts of concealment rhetoric and ethics in the age of wireless computing

Rik Hunter, Quest University, British Columbia

Dissertation: A hypersocial-interactive model of Wiki-mediated writing: Collaborative writing in a fan & gamer community

Tim Laquintano, Lafayette College

Dissertation: Sustained Authorship: Digital Writing, Self-Publishing, and the Ebook

Annette Vee, University of Pittsburgh

Dissertation: Proceduracy: Computer Code Writing in the Continuum of Literacy

Kate Vieira, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dissertation: Fragmented assimilation: How literacy unites and divides two Portuguese-speaking immigrant communities


Matthew Capdevielle, University of Notre Dame

Dissertation: Reading the “writing wars”: Narrative, history, and conflict in the re-formation of post-secondary writing curricula

Rasha Diab, University of Texas-Austin

Dissertation: Rhetorical in(ter)vention and the dialectic of conflict and conflict resolution: Sulh and Sadat’s peacemaking rhetoric

Mary Fiorenza, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dissertation: Methods and models of writing and living: Composing Brenda Ueland’s writing life

Mira Shimabukuro, Highline Community College

Dissertation: Relocating authority: Japanese Americans writing to redress mass incarceration


Corey Mead, Baruch College, CUNY

Dissertation: Less painful than reading books: The military, literacy, and videogames

Adam Koehler, Manhattan College

Dissertation: A sound form of knowledge: Composition and the rhetorical problem of music

Eric Pritchard, University of Texas-Austin

Dissertation: “A litany for survival”: Black Queer Literacies


David Grant, University of Northern Iowa

Dissertation: Toward sustainable literacies: An empirical study of journal writing in an ecocomposition course


Alice Daer (Robison), Arizona State University

Dissertation: Inventing fun: Videogame design as a writing process

Rhea Lathan, Florida State University

Dissertation: Writing a wrong: A case of African American adult literacy action on the South Carolina Sea Islands, 1957—1962

Jennifer Griffith, Renaissance Vision Development Group

Dissertation: Writing ethics: Person, proximity, and responsibility in a first-year composition classroom

Shifra Sharlin, Graduate Center, CUNY

Dissertation: Provincialism, metropolitanism, and the politics of space: Malevich in Vitebsk

2005 & Before

Fayez Al-Ghamdi (2004), King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

Dissertation: The rhetoric of cultural encounter in Arab American autobiography

Deborah Alvarez (1998), University of Delaware

Dissertation: Four adolescents, their compensatory strategies and writing development in the texts they authored in and out of school

Carl Battaglia (2001), University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Dissertation: The role of visualization in creative and academic writing

Julie Nelson Christoph (2002), University of Puget Sound

Dissertation: Arguing with one’s life: Strategies of placement in pioneer women’s writing on westward expansion

John M. Duffy (2000), University of Notre Dame

Dissertation: Writing from these roots: Literacy, rhetoric, and history in a Hmong-American community

Eli Goldblatt (1990), Temple University

Dissertation: Authority and social context: Case stories of three inner-city high school writers

Nelson Graff (2000), San Francisco State University

Dissertation: Identity in disciplinary writing and learning

Mary Juzwik (2003), Michigan State University

Dissertation: Towards a rhetoric of teaching: An investigation of teaching as performance in a middle-level Holocaust unit

Stephanie Kerschbaum (2005), University of Delaware

Dissertation: Beyond simple inclusion: Towards engagement with difference in a postsecondary writing classroom

Jerry Mirskin (1992), Ithaca College

Dissertation: Writing as a process of valuing

Rebecca Schoenike Nowacek (2001), Marquette University

Dissertation: Writing instruction in the interdisciplinary classroom: Histories, challenges, possibilities

Mary Lou Odom (2004), Kennesaw State University

Dissertation: Before the classroom: Teachers theorizing first-year composition pedagogy

Kevin Porter (2002), University of Texas-Arlington

Dissertation: Meaning and time: Toward a consequentialist philosophy of discourse in composition and rhetoric studies and beyond

Catherine Prendergast (1997), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Dissertation: Generic monsters: Writing that transgresses disciplinary boundaries

Bonnie Smith (2003), Belmont University

Dissertation: The common reader writes back: Literacy for life-change

Bryan Trabold (2003), Suffolk University

Dissertation: Writing space, power, and strategies of resistance in apartheid South Africa: The story of the “Weekly Mail” and “New Nation”

Jeffrey Wiemelt (1995), Southeastern Louisiana University

Dissertation: Negotiating the interactional contexts of an intermediate-level college writing classroom: Text-based,interactionist contributions to a sociocognitive conception of student writing