Composition and Rhetoric People



Professor of English and Jewish Studies

Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff

6187A Helen C. White Hall


Caroline Gottschalk Druschke



Faculty Affiliate, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies


6183 Helen C. White Hall



Faculty Associate

Associate Director, English 100

6187B Helen C. White Hall


Brad Hughes


Assistant Professor

Helen C. White





Associate Professor

Director of English 201-Intermediate Composition





Professor of English

Director of English 100

Affiliate, Asian American Studies

6187C Helen C. White Hall





Associate Professor

Faculty, Language Sciences and Second Language Acquisition

Faculty Affiliate in Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies

Michael Bernard-Donals is the Nancy Hoefs Profess of English and an affiliate member of the Mosse/Weinstein Center for Jewish Studies.  While his recent work has focused on the intersections of rhetoric, memory, and ethics, he has also written and taught courses in the history of rhetoric, contemporary rhetorical theory, and the relation of visual and spatial rhetoric in the built environment.  With an appointment in the provost’s office, he is also interested in how rhetoric functions as part of higher education’s contract with the public, and how rhetoric’s capacity to move has implications for the position and status of rhetors (and rhetoricians) in the academic marketplace.

In her research, teaching, and outreach, Caroline Gottschalk Druschke works to bring together her interests and training across rhetorical studies, gender and women’s studies, and the environmental sciences. Caroline enjoys teaching and advising undergraduate and graduate students in the realms of community-based research, rhetoric of science, postcritical theory, and writing across the curriculum, but works to encourage students to pursue their own interests and passions. With a suite of interdisciplinary collaborators and funded projects focused on dam decision-making, wild trout conservation, science communication, and STEM writing, Caroline tries to involve students in active projects and bring them into a network of like-minded (and not like-minded!) collaborators.

Mary Fiorenza teaches undergraduate courses in composition and creative writing. Long-standing interests revolve around writing pedagogy, writing as a practice, writing and daily life, and the overlaps in creative writing and composition. In her administrative role with English 100, Mary mentors graduate student writing teachers, which is a constant source of inspiration for her own teaching, as is much of the big picture and daily work she enjoys with the program’s director and grad student assistant directors. Prospective graduate students, please note, she does not teach or advise in the graduate program.

Eileen Lagman is Assistant Professor of Composition and Rhetoric in the Department of English. Her research focuses on ethnographic studies of literacy learning with additional interest in histories of Asian migration, labor economics, and emotion studies. Her current book project Virtual Nationhood: Learning and Loss in Migrant Literacy examines the effects of “brain drain ” on literacy education in the Philippines. Her other projects include research on the rhetorics of Asian American disability and an ethnographic project on “outsourced writing” to the Philippines. She received her Ph.D. in English with a concentration in Writing Studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Christa Olson is a rhetorical historian specializing in visual culture and hemispheric studies. Her enduring interest in how patterns of communication persist, spread, and change over time has led her to write about indigenous Ecuadorians’ strategies for evading forced labor, the stuff that U.S. soldiers sent home from the Mexican War, and Spanish-language literacy films produced by the Walt Disney Company (among other things). She has worked in archives from Quito, Ecuador to Madison Wisconsin and loves sharing the joys (and sorrows) of archival work with undergraduate and graduate students. As a teacher, Christa grounds her courses in local conditions, facilitating broad learning about writing, rhetoric, and research methods by starting (but not staying) close to home. She works with a wide range of graduate students and most values the collaborative project of writing and learning together.

Morris Young is Professor of English, Director of English 100, and faculty affiliate in Asian American Studies.  His research and teaching focus on the relationship between writing and identity, the intersections of literacy and rhetorical studies, and the emergence and production of Asian American literature and culture. Morris’s current research interests take up rhetorical space as both metaphor and material and how this shapes rhetorical activity in response to exigencies of exclusion, marginalization, and containment. His book, Minor Re/Visions: Asian American Literacy Narratives as a Rhetoric of Citizenship (2004) received the 2004 W. Ross Winterowd Award and the 2006 CCCC Outstanding Book Award. His co-edited collection (with LuMing Mao), Representations: Doing Asian American Rhetoric (2008), received honorable mention for the 2009 MLA Mina P. Shaughnessy Award.

Kate Vieira is an ethnographer whose research spans the United States, Eastern Europe, and Latin America, where she works with immigrants, transnational families, and community organizations. One central question drives of Kate’s research and teaching: What are the consequences of writing for the lives of ordinary people across the globe? You can read more about Kate’s projects and classes here:

Current Graduate Students

Grace "Gina" Atkins

Position title: Assistant Director of Writing Across the Curriculum


Gabriel Lake Carter

Position title: Assistant Director, Center for Teaching and Research on Writing (CTRW)


Alexandra Chakov

Position title: Assistant Director of English 100


Taylor Dickson

Position title: Senior Assistant Director of English 100


Sydney Goggins

Position title: TA Coordinator of the Online Writing Center


Nora Harris

Position title: English 201 Assistant Director


Gabrielle Isabel Kelenyi

Position title: TA Coordinator of Multicultural and Social Justice Initiatives


Nattaporn Luangpipat

Position title: TA Coordinator of Outreach


Nicole Ramer

Position title: Senior Assistant Director of English 100


Keli Tucker

Position title: Assistant Director of the Writing Fellows Program
