This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
Tori Thompson Peters
The Body and Its Parts: Rhetorics of the Distributed Human Body
Conferral Term: Spring 2022
Glenn Starr
Context Sensitivity and Pragmatic Inference Processing in Second Language Learners
Conferral Term: Spring 2022
Jonathan Jibson
Temporal Formant Detail as a Function of Language Task
Conferral Term: Spring 2022
Meg Marquardt
The Best Approximation of Reality: Physics and the Rhetoricity of Scientific Methods
Conferral Term: Spring 2022
Amy E Gaeta
Drone Life: A Feminist Crip Analysis of the Human
Conferral Term: Spring 2022
Jonathan Isaac
“The University Works Because We Do”: University Decision-Making and Rhetorics of Graduate Labor
Conferral Term: Spring 2022
Michael Paul Haen
The Relational Aspects of Writing Conferences: Lessons from a New Writing Fellow
Conferral Term: Summer 2022
Jarrett Edward Chapin
Allegories of Settler Sovereignty: The Thematics of Indigenous Government in American Literature, 1766–1830
Conferral Term: Summer 2022
Adam Schuster
Mediating Sounds: Race, Musical Appropriation, and Literary Intervention in the Cold War
Conferral Term: Summer 2022
Ann Meejung Kim
Rhetoric, Materiality and Public Memory in Korea
Conferral Term: Summer 2022
Christopher Eduardo Castillo
Rap as Multiliteracy: Understanding Hip Hop Literacies across Spaces
Conferral Term: Fall 2021
James Ryan
Recovery Writing: Literacy and Healing in the Twelve Steps
Conferral Term: Fall 2021
Lauryn Gold
Conferral Term: Spring 2021
Ruth Kellar
Singular Appearance: Tracking Character in the Nineteenth Century
Conferral Term: Spring 2021
Erica Kanesaka
Conferral Term: Spring 2021
Elizabeth Scheer
A Subtler History Within History: Romanticism, Genre, and Revolution “In Solution,” 1794-1818
Conferral Term: Spring 2021
Cristopher Font-Santiago
Puerto Rican Island English (PRIE): On the Emergence of a New Dialect of American English
Conferral Term: Spring 2021
Minhee Kim
Patterns of Linguistic Variation in Research Articles: The Role of Methodology
Conferral Term: Spring 2021
William Paul Broadway
The Modern Bestiary: Animals in the Twentieth-Century Novel
Conferral Term: Summer 2021
Mia Alafaireet
Transplanting Blackness: New Negro Botanicals and the Ecology of Black Health
Conferral Term: Summer 2021
Dipo Oyeleye
Postcolonial Futures: Afropolitanism as a Theory of Reading Global Africa
Conferral Term: Summer 2021
Richard Ness
Ecological Prosodies: Rhythmic Environments and Experimental Meters in British Romantic Poetry
Conferral Term: Summer 2021
Emily Loney
Preposterous Revisions: Reordering Space and Time in the Sidney Circle
Conferral Term: Summer 2021
Lisa Marvel Johnson
Temporalities of Waiting in Contemporary African American Literature
Conferral Term: Summer 2021
Joy Kwon
Defining Perceptual Similarity with Phonological Levels of Representation: Feature (Mis)Match in Korean and English
Conferral Term: Summer 2021
Iman Baghdadeh Sheydaei
Local and Ethnic Identities: MENA-Americans’ Linguistic Behavior and Ethnic Rootedness
Conferral Term: Summer 2021
John Koban Edward
Productive Dissensus: A Theory of Deliberative Rhetoric for Intersovereign Cooperative Management Relationships
Conferral Term: Summer 2021
Anthony Black
Carceral Geographies and Contraband Rhetoric: Black Prisoner Visual Rhetorics of Resistance
Conferral Term: Fall 2020
Laura Perry
Conferral Term: Spring 2020
Naomi Salmon
UnDissertating: Re-Envisioning Participation in 19th-Century Studies
Conferral Term: Spring 2020
Catherine Marotta
Who has the Right to Write? University Custodians and the Practice of Literacy
Conferral Term: Summer 2020
Virginia Schwarz
(De)Norming Classroom Merit: Grading Contracts as an Assessment Genre
Conferral Term: Summer 2020
Antonio Byrd
In Pursuit of an Uncommon Literacy: African American Adults’ Experiences in a
Computer Code Bootcamp
Conferral Date: 8/25/2019
Rachel Carrales
The New Domesticity: How Social Movements are Sponsoring the Literacy Practices of Twenty-First Century Mothers
Conferral Date: 5/12/2019
Julia Dauer
Natural History and Personhood in Early America
Conferral Date: 8/25/2019
Brandee Easter
Weird Code: Gender and Programming Languages
Conferral Date: 8/25/2019
Shuo “Maggie” Feng
Wrking Title: Presuppositions and scalar implicatures in second language acquisition
Conferral Date: 8/25/2019
Elisa Findlay
When Writers Aren’t Authors: Workplace Literacies in the Age of Mass Writing
Conferral Date: 8/25/2019
Matthew Fledderjohann
When Writers Encounter Dissonance
Conferral Date: 8/25/2019
Dominique Bourg Hacker
Acts of Gardening: Imagining the Environment and Plotting Community in
Contemporary Decolonial South Africa and Caribbean Fiction
Conferral Date: 8/25/2019
Lauren Hawley
Altered States of Consciousness in High Modernism
Conferral Date: 5/12/2019
Sagashus Levingston
Infamous Mothering or “Bad” Mothers Who Do “Good” Things: Theories and Images of Maternal Activism
Conferral Date: 5/12/2019
Anna Muenchrath
Becoming World Literature: Selection, Translation, and Circulation in the Twentieth
Conferral Date: 8/25/2019
Leah Pope Parker
Embodied Lives and Afterlives: Disability and the Eschatological Imaginary in Early
Medieval England
Conferral Date: 8/25/2019
Neil Simpkins
On Being Included: The Rhetorical Tactics of Disabled Student Writers
Conferral Date: 8/25/2019
Kathleen Weisse (Daly)
Votes, Genes, Grades: Deconstructing Big Data’s Rhetorical Reach
Conferral Date: 8/25/2019
Angela Zito
Student Learning and Public Purpose: Accounting for the Introductory Literature Course
Conferral Date: 8/25/2019
Nadirah Shabazz
Islam at Home: Muslim American Literature and American Myths
Conferral Date: 12/23/2018
Annika Konrad
Arguing for Access: The Everyday Rhetorical Labor of Disability
Conferral Date: 12/16/2018
Sunny Chan
Experimental Poetics of the Asian Diaspora: Readings in Meatspace and Cyberspace
Conferral Date: 12/16/2018
Ambar Meneses
Awkwardness and its Critical Implications in American and African American Literature, 1864-1929
Conferral Date: 8/27/2018
Kelly Abrams
Writing with a Dialect: Adolescents’ Written African American English and Teachers’ Perceptions
Conferral Date: 8/27/2018
Hyonbin Choi
Made with Words: Textual Virtuality in Modernism
Conferral Date: 8/27/2018
Faina Polt
Telling the Human Tale: Gender, Stewardship, and the Construction of Holocaust Memory for the Third Generation
Conferral Date: 8/27/2018
Stephanie Larson
How to Discipline a Woman’s Body: Sensation, Rape Culture, and U.S. Publics
Conferral Date: 8/27/2018
Margaret Hamper
How Basic Writing Does (and Doesn’t) Matter for Working Class College Students’ Success
Conferral Date: 8/27/2018
Keisha Watson
“My Song in bolder Notes Arise”: The African-American Long Poem Tradition
Conferral Date: 8/27/2018
Pao-Lin “Louis” Wu
Forest Shadows: Imperialism, Indigenous Dispossession, and the Politics of Wilderness in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Conferral Date: 5/17/2018
Stillman Wagstaff
“Objectivists”: A Website Dedicated to the “Objectivist” Poets
Conferral Date: 5/13/2018
Rachel Carroll
Imagining Pleasure: Experimentalism and Race in Twentieth-Century American Literature and Visual Culture
Conferral Date: 5/12/2018
David Callenberger
Shocked Spaces: Literary Geographies and Disaster Recovery in the 21st Century
Conferral Date: 12/18/2017
Kimberly Moreland
Authorship: Intention and Responsibility in Networks
Conferral Date: 8/27/2017
Sarah Dimick
Climatic Arrythmias: Global Warming, Literary Form, and Environmental Time
Conferral Date: 8/27/2017
Jennifer MacLure
Contagious Communities: The Politics of Bodily Contact in Victorian Novels
Conferral Date: 8/27/2017
Joshua Brazee
Renaissance Truth and Method: English Poetics and the Emergence of the New Science
Conferral Date: 8/27/2017
Rebecca Steffy Couch
Community Figures and Contemporary American Poetics
Conferral Date: 8/27/2017
Victor Lenthe
Public Consensus and its Limits in the English Literary Renaissance
Conferral Date: 5/13/2017
Lenora Hanson
Riotous Life: The Rhetoric and Politics of Romantic Organisms
Conferral Date: 5/13/2017
Anna Vitale
Suicidal Fantasy for Three American Authors
Conferral Date: 5/13/2017
Amy Huseby
Quantified Lives: Victorian Women’s Poetry, Mathematics, and Marriage
Conferral Date: 5/13/2017
Zachary Marshall
Antislavery Media: Circulating Revolution in the United States
Conferral Date: 5/13/2017
Devin Garofalo
Open Worlds: Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Science
Conferral Date: 5/13/2017
Adedoyin Ogunfeyimi
Hybrid Ethos: The Making of a Hospitable Ecology
Conferral Date: 5/13/2017
Seth Abramson
The Rise of the Creative Writing Program in Poetry
Director: Lynn Keller
Completion Date: 09/27/2016
Kevin Boettcher
“Sweet Nothings”: Food and Epistemology in English New World Exploration, 1555-1611
Director: Elizabeth Bearden
Completion Date: 08/18/2016
Mattie Burkert
Speculative Enterprise: Public Finance and the London Theater, 1688-1763
Director: Karen Britland
Completion Date: 05/10/2016
Jennifer Conrad
Becoming Nonhuman: Uncanniness, Impossibility and Human-Animal Indistinction in Recent Literature and Visual Art
Directors: Michael Bernard-Donals and Lynn Keller
Catherine DeRose
The Past and Future Lives of Writing in Victorian Fiction
Director: Susan D. Bernstein and Caroline Levine
Completion Date: 12/18/2016
Christopher Earle
Dead Words: Prisoners’ Constrained Rhetorical Agency and the Possibility of Rhetorical Action
Directors: Michael Bernard-Donals and Christa Olson
Completion Date: 08/09/2016
Louis Freedman
Forms of the Subject, Forms of the Outside: Towards an Understanding of Recombinatory Literary Practices
Director: Lynn Keller
Completion Date: 09/08/2016
Manuel Herrero Puertas
Crippling the Body Politic
Director: Russ Castronovo
Completion Date: 06/02/2016
Lisa Hollenbach
Alternative Networks: Recording and Broadcasting American Poetry after 1945
Director: Lynn Keller
Completion Date: 07/09/2016
David Hudson
Unsettling Service: Rhetorical Education in the Chicago Settlement House Movement, 1890-1968
Director: Morris Young
Completion Date: 09/02/2016
Nathan Jandl
“Counter-Love”: The Social Dimensions of Environmental Attachment in Twentieth-Century American Literature
Director: Lynn Keller
Completion Date: 07/07/2016
Andrew Kay
Embodied Pleasure and Radical Aesthetics in Nineteenth-Century Poetry
Director: Caroline Levine
Completion Date: 03/18/2016
Katherine Lanning
Volatile Forms: Publications and Publics in the Contentious Eighteenth Century
Director: Theresa Kelley
Completion Date: 04/28/2016
Christopher Syrnyk
On Behalf of Others: Rhetoric as an Act of Recognition and the Rhetorical Problems of Voiceless Others
Director: Michael Bernard-Donals
Completion Date: 06/14/2016
Sharon Yam
Locust, “Ah Cha”, and “Bun Mui”: Affect, Emotion and Transnational Citizenship in Hong Kong
Directors: Michael Bernard Donals and Morris Young
Completion Date: 05/11/2016
Kelly A. Adams
Beyond Crisis and Trauma: Storytelling in the Age of Human Rights
Director: Leslie Bow
Completion Date: 5/26/2015
Michael Dimmick
Embodied Placemaking as a Rhetoric of Citizenship on Johns Island, South Carolina
Directors: Michael Bernard-Donals and Morris Young
Completion Date: 8/20/2015
Urszula Anna Horoszko
Transcending the Senses, Transcending through the Senses: The Modernist Neo-Epic Poem and the Experience of Transcendence
Director: Cyrena N. Pondrom
Completion Date: 5/13/2015
Alainya Kasia Kavaloski
Fragmentary Returns: Revisioning Contemporary Homelands in the United States and Israel
Director: Susan Stanford Friedman
Completion Date: 8/3/2015
Megan Massino
Axiomatic Modernism: Poetics, Logic, and Mathematics in the Early 20th Century
Director: Cyrena N. Pondrom
Completion Date: 4/16/2015
Ammar Adulraheem Ali Naji
At Home in the Diaspora: Displacement and Diasporic Consciousness in Anglophone-Arab and Contemporary Arabic Literature
Director: Susan Stanford Friedman
Completion Date: 9/1/2015
Virginia Piper
Novel Plasticity: Aesthetics, Politics, and Formal Arrangements in the Nineteenth-Century British and French Novel
Director: Caroline Levine
Completion Date: 9/1/2015
Catherine A. Price
Feeling Too Much: Transformations of Excessive Emotionality in the Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Directors: Theresa Kelley and Lynn Festa (Rutgers University)
Completion Date: 8/11/2015
Nancy Reddy
Re-Entangling Literacy: A Historical Study of Extracurricular Writing Practices
Director: Morris Young
Completion Date: 5/11/2015
Trini G. Stickle
Epistemic Stance Markers and the Function of “I Don’t Know” in the Talk of Persons with Dementia and Children with Autism
Director: Cecilia E. Ford
Completion Date: 11/13/2015
Kate Steinnagel Stutz
Triangulating Race: The Native Presence in Early African American Literature
Director: Cherene Sherrard-Johnson
Completion Date: 5/14/2015
Heather Swan
Uncertain Symbiosis: Narrating the Interspecies Relationship of Humans and Bees in the Time of Pollinator Decline
Directors: Anne McClintock and Robert Nixon
Completion Date: 5/7/2015
Rebecca Grace Tarsa
Casual Affinities
Directors: Morris Young and James Brown, Jr. (Rutgers University)
Completion Date: 6/12/2015
Jacob Tootalian
‘[W]here to place a Metaphor’: Treatises, Tracts, and Poetic Figuration in Seventeenth-Century England
Director: Karen Britland
Completion Date: 5/11/2015
Anne Wheeler
Contested Impressions: Visual Remembering of Japanese American Incarceration
Director: Morris Young
Completion Date: 6/8/2015
Stephanie White
“I Stopped Writing for Myself”: Student Perspectives on Service-Learning in Composition
Director: Morris Young
Completion Date: 5/14/2015
S. Marshelle Woodward
Crafting Transcendence: Mystery and Poetic Authority in Early Modern England
Director: Karen Britland
Completion Date: 6/12/2015
Davis C. Brown
Dislocating American: Mobility and Nationality in Post-World War II U.S. Fiction
Directors: Rob Nixon and Victor Bascara
Completion Date: 8/12/2014
Elizabeth Capdevielle
Mediation and Ethics in Late Medieval English Literature
Tessa L. Desmond
“Par La Plume”: African American Literature and the Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu
Completion Date: 6/11/2014
Anna V. Drake (Lehner)
Turn Final “or”-phrases in English: A Conversation Analytic Perspective
Completion Date: 7/19/2014
Gabriella Ekman
Reading Tennyson in Sierra Leone: The Portable Poetics of Empire, 1820-1911
Completion Date: 8/29/2014
Joel A. Gladd
Regular Enlargement is a Very Desirable Thing: Naturalizing the Impossible through the American General Estimate, 1629-1847
Completion Date: 3/12/2014
Sarah E. Groeneveld
Animal Endings: Species Necropolitics in Contemporary Transnational Literature
Director: Susan S. Friedman
Completion Date: 8/12/2014
Sarah K. Harrison
Urban Margins in Contemporary Postcolonial Literature
Completion Date: 6/11/2014
Timothy S. Johnson
Making the Invisible Hand Visible: Ford Motor Company, Film, and the Rise of Economic-Organizational Rhetoric
Completion Date: 5/13/2014
Daun Jung
“Threshold Names” in Victorian Novels and Print Culture
Completion Date: 2/17/2014
Peter G. Mayshle
Walled Memoria: Presencing Memory Sites in Intramuros, Manila
Completion Date: 4/30/2014
Christopher W. McVey
Syncretic Cosmopolitanism: Historiography, Nation, and Global Citizenship in Twentieth-Century Literature
Completion Date: 5/13/2014
Kevin G. Mullen
Nomadic Resistance: Postwar Literature and the Making of a Transatlantic Counterculture
Michelle L. Niemann
Organic Forms: Poetry, Ecology, Food
Completion Date: 6/13/2014
Nmachika N. Nwokeabia
The Poetics and Politics of 21st Century Nigerian Writing
Completion Date: 5/16/2014
Jessie E. Reeder
The Forms of Informal Empire: Narrating British and Latin American Relations,
Completion Date: 5/15/2014
Rebecca D. Soares
Immaterial Print: Spiritualism and Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Literature
Completion Date: 6/9/2014
Kristiane R. Stapleton
Curating Female Authorship: Making Authorship Visible in Works by Early Modern English Women
Completion Date: 6/11/2014
Karolyn E. Steffens
Modernist Affirmation: Twentieth-Century Fiction and the Discourse of Trauma
Completion Date: 5/5/2014
Christine R. Stephenson
What They Set Before Themselves: Rhetoric, Civic Education, and the Value of Undergraduate Participatory Culture as an Epistemological Heuristic
Completion Date: 6/12/2014
Christa M. Tiernan
On View: Museum Culture in the Victorian Novel
Completion Date: 6/2/2014
Elizabeth J. Vine
A Spectacle and Nothing Strange: Gertrude Stein, Dorothy Richardson, Djuna Barnes, and the Queering of Home
Completion Date: 6/11/2014
Eric D. Vivier
Controversial Discourse: English Satire, 1588-1601
Completion Date: 5/28/2014
Stephanie A. Youngblood
Self-Involved Subjects: Testimony and Crisis in American Literature
Completion Date: 3/11/2014
Emily A. Clark
“Voiceless Bodies: Feminism, Disability, Posthumanism”
Completion Date: 1/10/2013
Chelsea M. Avirett
“If that I walke:” A Study of Mobility in Late Medieval British Texts
Completion Date: 8/23/2013
Benjamin V. Beier
“Is the ‘Ars Rhetorica’ for the Good? The Rhetorical Ethics of More, Shakespeare, and Bacon in the English Renaissance”
Completion Date: 5/3/2013
Clara K. Burke
Blowback: The Rewriting of American Imperialism After the Cold War
Completion Date: 8/30/2013
Heather B. Carroll
“Imagining Language: Dialect Stylization Among Radio Disc Jockeys”
Completion Date: 5/20/2013
Joanna S. Cook
“The Shadow of Succession: Royal Funeral Ritual and Shakespeare’s First and Second Tetralogies”
Completion Date: 5/16/2013
Anna Veronika Drake (Lehner)
“Turn Final ‘or’-phrases in English: A Conversation Analytic Perspective”
Completion Date: 7/19/2013
John N. Dudley
“The Subject of Belief: Modernism, Religion, and Literature”
Completion Date: 5/29/2013
Kate L. Fedewa
“Composing the Classroom: Imagining the Medieval English Grammar School”
Completion Date: 5/16/2013
Todd J. Goddard
“A Property in the Horizon”: Placelessness in Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture
Completion Date: 8/8/2013
Melvin W. Hall
“Words, Substance, War: The Rhetorical Constitution of Iraq’s Combined Security Mechanism”
Completion Date: 6/13/2013
Brenda Y. Hsu
The Poetics of the Twentieth Century Catalogical Form in Stein, Joyce, Cha, and Roy
Completion Date: 8/23/2013
Sarah B. Iovan
“Music and Performative Poetics in the Early Modern English Lyric”
Completion Date: 1/11/2013
Joanna B. Lackey
“Things That Matter: Commodities, Clutter, and the Objects of Victorian Literature”
Completion Date: 6/12/2013
Aline Lo
“Manifested Destinies: Refugee Narratives in Contemporary American Literature”
Completion Date: 5/17/2013
Antonia E. Massa-Macleod
Creating Ectopia: Sustainability and American Liberal Discourse
Completion Date: 8/24/2013
Naomi R. Mercer
“‘Subversive Feminist Thrusts’: Feminist Dystopian Writing and Religious Fundamentalism in Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ Louise Marley’s ‘The Terrorists of Irustan,’ Marge Piercy’s ‘He, She and It,’ and Sheri S. Tepper’s ‘Raising the Stones’
Completion Date: 5/14/2013
Dragoslav Momcilovic
“Mourning from a Distance: Traumatic Post-Memory and the Ethics of Engagement”
Completion Date: 5/13/2013
Maximilian Rankenburg
“At a Distance: The Solitudes of Testimony”
Completion Date: 1/17/2013
Aaron Spooner
“In counsel is stability”: Writing Counsel in Early Modern England
Completion Date: 12/17/2013
Morgan W. Strawn
“‘Their Peculiar Protector'”: The Sovereign and Religious Minorities in British Literature from Dryden to Boswell”
Completion Date: 5/10/2013
Jeanette N. Tran
Wrking Title: Reorienting Decorum: Representing the Foreign on the Early Modern English Stage
Completion Date: 6/14/2013
Blaire Zeiders
“The Arthurian Book in Print: Reading the Debts and Desires of the Early Modern English Nation”
Completion Date: 5/16/2013
David C. Aitchison
“Form and Responsibility: Radical Politics and the Novel in the USA”
Completion Date: 12/14/2012
Cydney Alexis
“Why Things Matter to Writing: A Material Perspective on Literacy and Selfhood”
Completion Date: 8/23/2012
Yoon Young Choi
“Homeless at Home: Diasporic Consciousness in American Literature, 1852-1936”
Completion Date: 5/16/2012
James Rushing Daniel
“Agent and Event: Rhetorical Dissent in the Context of Globalization”
Completion Date: 8/6/2012
Claire M. Falck
“Radiant Shrines: Imaging God and Generic Experimentation in Early Modern English Protestant Poetry”
Completion Date: 5/8/2012
Joshua M. Goldman
“Structures of Thought: The Role of Architectural Images in Old English Theory”
Completion Date: 6/14/2012
Summer Gioia Harrison
“Environmental Justice Metafiction: Narrative and Politics in Contemporary Ethnic Women’s Novels by Louise Erdrich, Linda Hogan, Ruth Ozeki, and Karen Yamashita”
Completion Date: 5/18/2012
Melanie K. Hoftyzer
“Ethos, Narrative, and Artificial Fluoridation: The ‘Storying’ of a Public Health Policy”
Completion Date: 12/12/2012
John “Ereck” Ereckson Jarvis
“Authority and Authorship in The Writing of the Club, 1640-1712”
Completion Date: 6/15/2012
Justin O. Johnston
“The Prosthetic Novel and Posthuman Bodies: Literature and Biotechnology in the 21st Century”
Completion Date: 5/10/2012
Tracy W. Lemaster
“Girl with a Pen: Girlhood, Sexuality, and the Feminist Imaginary in 20th C. Transatlantic Women’s Writing”
Completion Date: 12/11/2012
Rebecca Lorimer
“Traveling Literacies: Writing Among Languages and Locations”
Completion Date: 5/18/2012
Andrew Mahlstedt
“Recognizing the Poor: Invisibility, Immobility, and Narrative Under Globalization”
Completion Date: 5/13/2012
Christopher W. Maslanka
“Christening Women, Men, and Monsters: Images of Baptism in Middle English Hagiography and Romance”
Completion Date: 6/14/2012
Mukoma Wa Ngugi
“Chirality and the Politics of Authorized and Unauthorized English in the Works of John Clare and Amos Tutuola”
Completion Date: 6/14/2012
Hai-Dang D. Phan
“A Rumor of Redress: Literature, the Vietnam War, and the Politics of Reconciliation”
Completion Date: 6/14/2012
Duaa M. Salameh
“‘Nom de Lieu’: Alexandria’s Colonial Cosmopolitanism and Narratives of Identity and Alterity”
Completion Date: 4/20/2012
David M. Stock
“The Distribution of Rhetorical Education at a Public Midwest University, 1874-1927”
Completion Date: 8/6/2012
Joshua R. Taft
“Form and Faith: Secularization and Victorian Literature”
Completion Date: 3/14/2012
Basu, Anupam
“Rabblement of Rascals: Representing Crime and Social Change in Early Modern England”
Completion Date: 8/26/2011
Director: Henry Turner and Susanne Wofford
Bibbs, Maria L.
“The African American Literacy Myth: Literacy’s Ethical Objective During the Progressive Era, 1890-1919”
Completion Date: 6/14/2011
Director(s): Deborah Brandt
Bradley, John Lawton
“‘One Begins as a Student but Becomes a Friend of Clouds’: Trajectories of Education in Avant-Garde American Poetry”
Completion Date: 5/27/2011
Director: Lynn Keller
Dancer, Thom
“Critical Modesty: Literature, Pluralism and the Work of Reading”
Completion Date: 5/15/2011
Director: Caroline Levine
Ewing, Eileen
“Speaking the Borders: Intersections of Prose, Poetry, and Identity in the Writing of Paula Gunn Allen, Judy Grahn, and H.D.”
Completion Date: 6/8/2011
Director: Susan Friedman
Godbee, Amanda Beth
“Small Talk, Big Change: Identifying Potentials for Social Change in One-with-One Talk about Writing”
Completion Date: 8/8/2011
Director: Deborah Brandt
Mullen, Mary L.
Anachronistic Forms: Narrative and History in Nineteenth-Century English and Irish Novels
Completion Date: 6/1/2011
Director: Caroline Levine
Piper, Kevin C.
“The Knowledge of Others: Cosmopolitanism and Modern Curiosity”
Completion Date: 7/29/2011
Directors: Susan Friedman & Rebecca Walkowitz
Preston, Jacqueline S.
“The Fertile Commonplace: Collective Persuasions, Interpretive Acts, and Dialectical Spaces”
Completion Date: 8/2/2011
Director: Deborah Brandt
Schewe, Elizabeth A.
“Gender Migrants: Geographies of Transgenderism in Contemporary U.S. Life Writing, Fiction, and Film”
Completion Date: 5/5/2011
Director: Susan Friedman
Abdurraqib, Samaa
“A House is not Always a Home: Women’s Writing of Home/Lands and Diaspora”
Completion Date: 8/30/2010
Director: Susan Stanford Friedman
Au, Cindy
“Media, Manipulation, and Self-Fashioning: Black Women’s Autobiography and Public Perception”
Completion Date: 5/10/2010
Director: Craig Werner
Barnett, Richard Scot
“Arts of Concealment: Rhetoric and Ethics in the Age of Wireless Computing”
Completion Date: 7/7/2010
Director: Michael Bernard-Donals
Blume, Gwendolyn
“The Reader-Brand: Constructions of Victorian Readers in the Marketplace”
Completion Date: 8/26/2010
Director: Caroline Levine
Conners, Carrie A.
“Pointing Back and Laughing at Uncle Sam: Humor, Genre and Political Critique in Recent American Poetry”
Completion Date: 6/10/2010
Director: Lynn Keller
Cordasco, Rachel Shawn
“Opera, Race, and Nation in American Literature: 1890-1920”
Completion Date: 8/19/2010
Director: David A. Zimmerman
Hunter, Rik L.
“A Hypersocial-Interactive Model of Wiki Writing: Collaboration, Conversation, and Composition in an Online Fan Community of Writers”
Completion Date: 6/11/2010
Director: Deborah Brandt
Johnson, Amy Marie
“Artificial Order: Ethical Aestheticism in 20th-Century Literature and Contemporary Narrative”
Completion Date: 1/12/2010
Director: Jacques Lezra
Johnson, Sherry R.
“Dismantling Canadian Multiculturalism in African-Canadian Fiction: Andre Alexis’s Childhood, Dionne Brand’s What We All Long For, and Lawrence Hill’s Any Known Blood
Completion Date: 7/26/2010
Director: Tejumola Olaniyan
Kolb, Justin Barnes
“Spongy Natures: Ben Jonson in the City of Things”
Completion Date: 8/13/2010
Director: Henry Turner
Laquintano, Timothy P.
“Sustained Authorship”
Completion Date: 6/16/2010
Director: Deborah Brandt
Lounibos, Mark
“Dissenting Subjects”
Completion Date: 8/26/2010
Director: Theresa M. Kelley
Lynch, Katherine E.
“The Devil and the Imagery of Physical Constraint in Early Medieval England”
Completion Date: 5/16/2010
Director: John Niles
McAlear, Rob D.
“Dystopian Resistance: Politics and Form in Contemporary American Dystopian Fiction”
Completion Date: 6/4/2010
Director: Thomas Schaub
Siegel, Jason J.
“Dialectical Fictions: The Politics of Self-Conscious Form in American Fiction after 1950”
Completion Date: 4/5/2010
Director: Thomas Schaub
Sizemore, Michelle Renee
“National Enchantment: Sovereignty, History, and the Making of U.S. Imperialism, 1790-1850”
Completion Date: 7/30/2010
Director: Russ Castronovo
Taylor, Jesse Oak
“The Sky of our Manufacture: Literature, Modernity and the London Fog from Charles Dickens to Virginia Woolf”
Completion Date: 5/13/2010
Director: Robert Nixon and Anne McClintock
Vadde, Aarthi
“Genres of Collectivity: Cosmopolitanism and Belonging in Global Anglophone Literature”
Completion Date: 7/27/2010
Directors: Rebecca Walkowitz & Robert Nixon
Vedal, Lauren Irene
“National Whiteness/National Witness: Traumatic Narratives by Minorities in the United States and Canada, 1980-2000”
Completion Date: 6/4/2010
Director: Michael Bernard-Donals
Vee, Annette
“Proceduracy: Computer Code Writing in the Continuum of Literacy”
Completion Date: 7/27/2010
Director: Deborah Brandt
Vieira, Kate Elizabeth
“Fragmented Assimilation: How Literacy Unites and Divides Two Bi-Ethnic Portuguese-Speaking Communities”
Completion Date: 5/16/2010
Director: Deborah Brandt
Baarsch, Jonathan
“Epic Wonder: Poetics, Science, and Religion in Paradise Lost”
Completion Date: 8/20/2009
Director: Caroline Levine
Capdevielle, Matthew
“Reading the “Writing Wars”: Narrative, History, and Conflict in the Re-formation of Post-Secondary Writing Curricula”
Completion Date: 6/22/2009
Director: Martin Nystrand and Michael Bernard-Donals
Diab, Rasha
“Rhetorical In(ter)vention and the Dialectic of Conflict and Conflict Resolution: Sulh and Sadat’s Peacemaking Rhetoric
Completion Date: 6/12/2009
Director: Deborah Brandt
Emmett, Robert
“Writing Gardens and Cultivating Lives in Twentieth-Century America”
Completion Date: 8/26/2009
Director: Robert Nixon
Fiorenza, Mary
“Methods and Models of Writing and Living: Composing Brenda Ueland’s Writing Life”
Completion Date: 6/9/2009
Director: Debora Brandt
Foster, Travis
“Affective Conventions: Friendship and Genre in U.S. Literary History”
Completion Date: 7/20/2009
Director: Russ Castronovo
Gilbert, Katherine
“Legal Personalities: The Mediating Work of the Lawyer in the Victorian Novel”
Completion Date: 6/11/2009
Director: Caroline Levine
Han, Suh-Reen
“Romantic Cosmopolitanism: Reconfiguring the Cosmopolitan Ideal after the Revolution”
Completion Date: 8/18/2009
Director: Theresa Kelley
Hsu, Raymond
“Neutralizing Typical America”
Completion Date: 12/14/2009
Director: Russ Castronovo
Hunt, Alastair
“The Romantic Rhetoric of Species”
Completion Date: 8/26/2009
Director: Sara Guyer
Huth, Kimberly
“Figures of Pain: Suffering and Selfhood in Early Modern English Literature”
Completion Date: 7/30/2009
Director: Heather Dubrow
Irom, Bimbisar
“Old Left, New Left, and Post-Marxist History: Political Transition and forms of the American Novel, 1960-1990”
Completion Date: 1/6/2009
Director: Thomas Schaub and Victor Bascara
Kauffmann, Krista
“Visuality and Violence in British and Anglophone Literature, 1938-2003”
Completion Date: 6/11/2009
Director: Robert Nixon
Kenny, Amanda
“The “Arabian Nights’ Entertainments” in Eighteenth-Century Britain: Coherence, Analogy, Literature and Culture”
Completion Date: 6/04/2009
Director: Howard Weinbrot
Lallas, Demetrios
“Salt of the Earth Country: A Genealogy of “The American Dream,” 1914-1968”
Completion Date: 5/14/2009
Director: Thomas Schaub
Nunnery, David
“Sociability, Information, and the ‘Inlets to Happiness’ in Samuel Johnson’s ‘Lives of the Poets'”
Completion Date: 6/11/2009
Director: Howard Weinbrot
O’Camb, Brian
“Toward a Monastic Poetics: “Exeter Maxims” and the Exeter Book of Old English Poetry”
Completion Date: 6/11/2009
Director: John D. Niles
Oliver, Matt
“Grotesque Britain: National Decline and the Post-Imperial Imagination”
Completion Date: 5/15/2009
Director: Rebecca Walkowitz
Opal, John
“Transformations in the Sublime”
Completion Date: 12/15/2009
Director: Jacques Lezra
Shimabukuro, Mira
“Relocating Authority: Japanese Americans Writing to Redress Mass Incarceration”
Completion Date: 5/22/2009
Directors: Deborah Brandt & Morris Young
Taggart, Andrew
“The Moral Life of Modernity: Three Antimonies”
Completion Date: 1/7/2009
Director: Michael Bernard-Donals
Azima, Rachel
“Alien Soil: Ecologies of Transplantation in Contemporary Literature”
Completion Date: 6/13/2008
Director: Robert Nixon
Benton, Andrea Gronstal
“Telling Description: Convention, Coherence, and the Making of the Self in Middle English Romance”
Completion Date: 8/8/2008
Director: Sherry Reames
Chavez, Julia McCord
“From Wandering Writing to Wandering Reading: Productive Digression in Victorian Serial Fiction”
Completion Date: 6/11/2008
Director: Susan Bernstein
Cohen, Jason
“Political Power in Francis Bacon’s Systems of Natural Knowledge (1603-1623)”
Completion Date: 6/12/2008
Director: Jacques Lezra
Ewell, Jonathan
“Literary Politics: British Literature and Public Debate, 1760-1820”
Completion Date: 8/21/2008
Director: Theresa Kelley & Jacques Lezra
Gibbons, Daniel R.
“Conflicts of Devotion: Liturgy, Poetry, and Community in Elizabethan and Jacobean England”
Completion Date: 8/15/2008
Director: Heather Dubrow
Glenn, Timothy
“States of Reclamation: Narrative, History, Race and Land in Contemporary American Fiction”
Completion Date: 7/25/2008
Director: Thomas Schaub
Gordon, Michelle
“Black Literature of Revolutionary Protest from Chicago’s South Side: A Local Literary History, 1931-1959”
Completion Date: 8/18/2008
Director: Susan S. Friedman and Craig Werner
Kernan, Barbara Lee
“Edith Wharton in the Art and ‘Act of Making a Habitation'”
Completion Date: 1/17/2008
Directors: David A. Zimmerman & Sargent Bush, Jr.
Koehler, Adam M.
“A Sound Form of Knowledge: Composition and the Rhetorical Problem of Musica”
Completion Date: 6/25/2008
Director: Michael Bernard-Donals
Lampert, Bahareh
“Voices of New American Women: Visions of Home in the Middle Eastern Diasporic Imagination”
Completion Date: 5/16/2008
Director: Susan Friedman
Loh, Lucienne
“Beyond English Fields: Refiguring Colonial Nostalgia in a Cosmopolitan World”
Completion Date: 1/17/2008
Director: Robert Nixon
Mead, Corey
“Less Painful than Reading Books: The Military, Literacy, and Video Games”
Completion Date: 7/10/2008
Director: Deborah Brandt
Merrill, Jean
“Substitution and Distortion: Amazon Bodies in Sidney, Shakespeare, Spenser, and Stuart Drama”
Completion Date: 1/18/2008
Director: Heather Dubrow
Okuma, Taryn
“Literary Non-Combatants: Contemporary British Fiction and the New War Novel”
Completion Date: 8/15/2008
Directors: Michael Bernard-Donals & Rebecca Walkowitz
Photos, Lisa E.
“Cleaning Up: Representations of Housework and Womanhood in Antebellum America”
Completion Date: 5/15/2008
Director: Jeffrey Steele
Pritchard, Eric D.
“”A Litany for Survival:” Black Queer Literacies”
Completion Date: 5/14/2008
Director: Deborah Brandt
Riofrio, John “Rio”
“Beyond Borders: Immigration and the Construction of Latin@ Identity and Culture in the Americas”
Completion Date: 6/13/2008
Director: Michael Bernard-Donals
Schwartz, Janelle A.
“Worm Work: Eighteenth-Century Natural History and Romantic Aesthetic Frontiers”
Completion Date: 7/17/2008
Director: Theresa Kelley
Britton, Dennis
“Consuming Difference: Race, Romance, and Religion in Early Modern England”
Completion Date: 10/12/2007
Director: Heather Dubrow
Entel, Rebecca
“The Politics of Comparability: Figuring Common and Uncommon Ground of the Civil War”
Completion Date: 7/11//2007
Director: Cecilia Ford
Gates, Jay P
“The Rhetorical Construction of Kingship in Late Anglo-Saxon Legal Documents and The Rise of Cnut’s Anglo-Scandinavian Empire”
Completion Date: 8/1/2007
Director: Alger “Nick” Doane
Murphy, Patrick J.
“Dark Tracks: The Poetics of the Exeter ‘Riddles'”
Completion Date: 7/20/2007
Director: John D. Niles
Rudolf, Matthias P.
“The Poetics of Discovery: Materiality, Aesthetics and History in British Literature 1798-1869”
Completion Date: 8/1/2007
Director: Jacques Lezra
Scalia, Christopher
“Romantic Antiquarianism: Representations of Antiquaries, 1776-1832”
Completion Date: 6/15/2007
Director: Theresa Kelley
Sinwongsuwat, Kemtong
“Partials in English Conversation: A Study of Grammar in Interaction”
Completion Date: 11/7/2007
Director: Cecilia Ford