Kate Merz

Position title: Lecturer

Email: mkmerz@wisc.edu

Helen C. White, Rm. 7195C

Research Interests

Postcolonial studies; modernism; South Asian diaspora; early modern drama & travel writing; detective fiction; the science & material culture of empire

Degrees and Institutions

  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019
  • M.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004
  • B.A., Kalamazoo College, 2002

Courses Taught

English 100 on the themes of “Public History”; “Science, Ethics, & Society”; “Space & Place”

“Race Science & Science Fiction” (Engl. 173: Ethnic & Multicultural Lit.)

“Violence, Creativity, & Empire in Modern Anglophone Literature” (Engl. 175: Literature & Other Disciplines)