Lindsay Dunne Jacoby

Position title: Lecturer

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Helen C. White Hall, Rm. 7184

Research Interests

Environmental Communication, Composition Pedagogy

Degrees and Institutions

  • PhD in Rhetoric & Composition, University of Maryland-College Park
  • MA in English, Georgetown University
  • BA in English and Education, Haverford College

Recent Publications

Heather Lindenman, Martin Camper, Lindsay Dunne Jacoby, and Jessica Enoch. “Revision and Reflection: A Study of (Dis)Connections between Writing Knowledge and Writing Practice.” College Composition and Communication. Vol. 69, No. 4, June 2018, pp. 581-615.

Courses Taught

English 100: Introduction to College Composition


Lindsay has previously taught writing at the University of Maryland-College Park and the George Washington University in Washington DC, on topics including nonfiction narrative, professional writing, environmental writing, and climate change communication.