Juliet Huynh

Position title: Assistant Professor

Email: jhuynh5@wisc.edu

6141 Helen C. White Hall

Bilingualism, Second Language Acquisition, Heritage Language Processing, Psycholinguistics

Degrees and Institutions

  • PhD Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington, 2019
  • TESOL Certificate, University of Texas at Arlington, 2018
  • BA Economics and Finance, Concentration Spanish, University of Dallas, 2010

Select Publications

  • Huynh, J., & Yoon, S. (2019). The compatibility between expressive elements: kinship terms, pronouns, and racial slurs in Vietnamese. Journal of the Southeast Asian Languages Society, 12. 91-111.
  • Huynh, J., & Witzel, N. (2018). Associative networks from L2 words in early and late Vietamese-English bilinguals. Journal of Second Language Studies, 1, 206-237.

Research Interests

My research interests include bilingualism, second language acquisition, heritage language processing, and psycholinguistics. Currently, I am exploring the grammatical and lexical processing of both Vietnamese and English in bilingual speakers who are Vietnamese heritage language speakers and Vietnamese-dominant speakers.