Heather DuBrow

Email: hdubrow@fordham.edu

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Degrees and Institutions

  • PhD, Harvard University
  • BA, summa cum laude, Harvard University (Radcliffe College)

Research Interests

Renaissance (early modern) literature, esp. lyric poetry and Shakespeare; genre; narrative and lyric theory; gender.

Selected Publications

  • Genre (Methuen/Routledge, 1982)
  • Captive Victors: Shakespeare’s Narrative Poems and Sonnets (Cornell, 1987)
  • A Happier Eden: The Politics of Marriage in the Stuart Epithalamium (Cornell, 1990)
  • Echoes of Desire: English Petrarchism and Its Counterdiscourses (Cornell, 1995)
  • Shakespeare and Domestic Loss: Forms of Deprivation, Mourning, and Recuperation (Cambridge, 1999)
  • The Historical Renaissance, co-edited volume (Chicago, 1988)
  • “Twentieth-Century Shakespeare Criticism” (28,000-word essay in second edition of The Riverside Shakespeare)
  • Transformation and Repetition, chapbook of poetry, (Sandhills Press/Main Travelled Roads, 1997)
  • Border Crossings, chapbook of poetry (Parallel Press, 2001)
  • The Devil’s Paintbrush, play produced by a community theater
  • + c. 70 articles and notes on early modern literature and on pedagogy and numerous poems in poetry journals.
  • My edition of As You Like It will be published by Johns Hopkins University Press, probably in 2009.
  • My new scholarly book, The Challenges of Orpheus: Lyric Poetry and  Early Modern England , is forthcoming, also from Johns Hopkins, in fall 2007.

Personal Statement

In both my own research and my teaching, I am particularly interested in exploring the intersections between issues of form on the one hand and cultural and social history, including gender, on the other. Mentoring is another very important part of the profession to me (e.g., I am currently co-director of job placement, and I incorporate discussions of professional skills like giving conference papers into all my graduate courses). I also care very much about encouraging both undergraduates and graduate students to think for themselves and challenge the conventional wisdom rather than simply accepting the assumptions of either traditional or more recent critical practices.

She is currently Reverend John Boyd, S.J. Chair in the Poetic Imagination at Fordham University; although she continues to miss Wisconsin faculty and students, she is happy to have returned to her native city.

Recent Books