Henry Covey

Email: hcovey@wisc.edu

Year Admitted: 2018


Henry joined the Composition & Rhetoric program at UW-Madison in the spring of 2022. Previously, he was an adjunct writing professor and researcher at Portland State University, a technical writer for Resource Data, a copyeditor for the Simons Foundation, and a senior writer/editor at Cogitate Editing, and worked for an imprint of Simon & Schuster, see also HenryCovey.com. His editorial and authorial experience includes two decades of editing and writing. A word nerd and bookworm by heart, he studies discourse ecologies and creatives of all types. His 2021 article “Disaster Documentation Revisited” was awarded the best paper from ACM-SIGDOC. His 2022 article on the “Literacies of Disaster” won the Joyce M. Melville Award, and he and coauthors received an honorable mention award for the 2022 Programmatic Perspectives Research Article Award for their 2021 paper “Open Educational Resources and Technical and Professional Communication: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions.”


Disaster documentation, Crisis communication, Writing program administration

Selected Publications

“The Literacies of Disaster,” University of Wisconsin-Madison (Fall 2022) document URL. (Winner of the Joyce M. Melville Memorial Award for Best Scholarly Project in Composition and Rhetoric).

“Open Educational Resources and Technical and Professional Communication: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions,” coauthored with Sarah Read & Jordana Bowen, Programmatic Perspectives 12.2, Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC), Fall 2021, https://cptsc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Open-Educational-Resources-2.pdf. (Honorable Mention at CPTSC 2021).

“Disaster Documentation Revisited: The Evolving Damage Assessments of Emergency Management in Oregon,” SIGDOC ’21: The 39th Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) International Conference on Design of Communication, October 2021, pp. 70–84, https://doi.org/10.1145/3472714.3473625. (Winner of the ACM-SIGDOC 2021 Best Paper Award).