
Faculty & Staff


Aparna Dharwadker

Laila Amine

  • Residency fellowship for the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture for 21-22.

Josh Calhoun

  • Vilas Associate Award. This award is a recognition of faculty research excellence.

Leila Chatti

  • National Endowment for the Arts award (Creative Writing Fellowship). This award helps recipients to create time for their work.

Amy Quan Barry

Amaud Johnson

Mary Fiorenza

  • Alliant Energy James R. Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award from Alliant Energy. This systemwide award honors teaching excellence among faculty and staff.

Caroline Gottschalk-Drushke

  • Excellence in Community-Based Teaching Award from the College of Letters & Science

Jacee Cho

  • Exceptional Service Award from the Provost’s Office


Karen Britland

  • College of Letters & Science Distinguished Honors Faculty Award

Monique Allewaert

  • H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship from Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

Ainehi Edoro

  • Exceptional Service Award from the Provost’s Office

Martin Foys

  • Provost Mid-Career Award for research support

Laila Amine

  • Andrew W. Mellon Fellow in the Humanities from the American Academy in Berlin

Cherene Sherrard-Johnson

  • Kellett Mid-Career Award from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

Aparna Dharwadker

Caroline Druschke

  • The National Science Foundation will fund her collaboration with Eric Booth (Agronomy) and Rebecca Lave (Geography, Indiana University) for the project Dynamics of Stream Restauration and Flood Resilience in a Changing Climate.
  • Stories from the Flood was awarded a $5000 support grant from the Morgridge Center.

Ramzi Fawaz

  • Recipient of the Chancellor’s Inclusive Excellence Award, which celebrates “exemplary achievements in teaching that honor the university’s value of diversity and inclusion as the path to excellence.”

Sara Guyer

  • PI on a $2.8 million grant from the Mellon Foundation to the UW-based Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes. Read more about the grant here.

Kristina Huang

  • Honorable Mention from L&S Faculty Honors Committee

Frédéric Neyrat

  • Recipient of a Faculty Development Award for training that will allow him to offer further classes that appeal to students from STEM fields.

Beth Nguyen

  • Recipient of Vilas Associate Award, which recognizes “new and on-going research of the highest quality and significance.”

Mario Ortiz-Robles

  • College of Letters & Science Distinguished Honors Faculty Award
  • 4 year Senior Fellowship with IRH

Sarah Wells

  • Recipient of Vilas Associate Award, which recognizes “new and on-going research of the highest quality and significance.”


Ron Harris

  • Martha Casey Award for Dedication to Excellence. This award honors exceptional academic staff.



PhD student Andrew Thomas has been awarded a Dana-Allen Fellowship from the IRH for 2021-22.

Graduate student Jarrett Chapin has been awarded an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative (NASI) Predoctoral Fellowship at the American Philosophical Society (APS) Library & Museum.

PhD student Diego Corona is the recipient of a HEX award by the Center for the Humanities.


Evanka Annyapu, Julie Buskirk, Veronica Hayes, and Andrew Kressin selected for the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award. The award provides funds for both students and faculty collaborators. 

Literary Studies graduate student Shuta Kiba received this year’s Cornell School of Criticism and Theory scholarship.

Composition & Rhetoric graduate student Kassia Shaw received a HEX Award (Humanities Exposed) from the Center for the Humanities. Her project will share the stories that inspired a Ho-Chunk ceramic mural installation—Maa Wakąčąk, “Sacred Earth”—recently unveiled on the Great Sauk State Trail. 

Emily Loney won a Capstone Award, given to TAs “who have performed as outstanding teachers throughout their UW-Madison tenure.” Erica Kalnay was given the Exceptional Service award for TAs who, “in addition to their regular duties, perform exceptional service related to the educational mission of their department and our university.” Emily Shetler, a graduate of our MFA program now in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, won an Innovation in Teaching Award.