Creative Writing Undergrad, Diya Abbas, Pens Review of Danez Smith’s BLUFF

In a beautiful, rich display of cross-generational engagement, Diya Abbas (Creative Writing major and First-Wave student) recently published a review of Danez Smith’s (Creative Writing and First-Wave alum) newest poetry collection from Graywolf Press, BLUFF, in The Adroit Journal. In concluding the review, Abbas writes:

I want to say to them: ‘Sheesh. Your language humbles me. It stunts my ego, makes me recheck my audience, the applause, you make me remember why we wrote it.’ What we need is to be shaken up, rattled by our dumbness, by our privilege, by our tools. Smith is a writer for the writers and is who a lot of us owe our creative freedom to. Don’t bluff yourself when reading this book, and if you do, Smith will do what all great Aunties do when you’re heartbroken: remind you of your place.

You can read the entire review here: A Review of Danez Smith’s Bluff – The Adroit Journal.

Be sure to grab a copy of BLUFF and check out this phenomenal work for yourself!