Join the UW-Madison English Department for its annual conference for graduate students: MadLit.
The event opens up on Friday the 22nd at 4:00pm with a Keynote Address (Queer Affect in Crip Landscapes: Disability, Desire, Devastation) from Professor Robert McRuer of George Washington University, and continues the following day from 8:30am, with panels centred around the work of advanced dissertators in the programme, and a roundtable chaired by Robert McRuer at 12:25pm. All events to take place in Memorial Union.
There are 32 papers being presented in all, from scholars at the beginning of their graduate careers, and from scholars who’ve already defended their dissertations – so there’ll be something for everybody (narrowly defined), and your friends and colleagues will be there.
We’ll hope to see you at the keynote, and at the conference proper!