Ọlágbénró Ọládípọ̀

Email: oladipo2@wisc.edu

Rhetoric and public affairs, space and place, transnational rhetoric, public sphere, citizenship and belonging


MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison
BA, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria


“Literacy is a Socio-Historic Phenomenon with the Potential to Liberate and Oppress.” With Kate Vieira, Lauren Heap, Sandra Descourtis, Jonathan Isaac, Samitha Senanayake, Maggie Black, Chris Castillo and Ann Meejung Kim, Kassia Krzus Shaw, Ola Oladipo, Xiaopei Yang, Patricia Ratanapraphart, Nikhil Tiwari, Lisa Velarde, and Gordon Blaine Wes. (re)Considering What We Know: Learning Thresholds in Writing, Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy. Eds. Linda Adler-Kassner and Elizabeth Wardle. December 2019.

Review of “The Long Struggle: Discourses on Human and Civil Rights in Africa and the African Diaspora.” African Studies Quarterly 18.4 (2019): 89-90.

Review of “Mothers on the Move: Reproducing Belonging between Africa and Europe.” Chicago: Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 243 pp. African Studies Quarterly 17.4 (2018): 125-126

Review of “Citizenship, Belonging, and Political Community in Africa: Dialogues between Past and Present. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2016. vi+ 306 pp. Acknowledgments. Postscript. Index. Paper. No price reported. ISBN: 978-0821422571.” African Studies Review 60.2 (2017): 253-255.