Emily Bouza

Position title: Assistant Director of Writing Fellows

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Email: ebouza@wisc.edu

Year Admitted: 2018


Emily is a current PhD candidate in Composition and Rhetoric. She has held roles in UW-Madison’s Writing Center, WAC program, and Writing Fellows program and has taught courses in these areas in addition to ENGL 100 and ENGL 201 (introductory and intermediate composition). For her dissertation, Emily has been working alongside the Civil and Environmental Engineering department to integrate their values in both writing and social justice throughout their curriculum. Her research explores linguistic justice, collaborative, engaged research methods, and cross-campus partnerships towards social justice.


Linguistic justice, Writing across the curriculum, Writing centers

Degree and Institution

BA, Kent State University
MA, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Selected Publications

Bouza, E. Review of Theories and Methods of Writing Center Research: A Practical Guide, ed. Jo Mackiewicz and Rebecca Day Babcock Writing Center Journal 39 (1-2), 2021

Bouza, E. (Forthcoming Issue) (Re)Defining WAC to Guide a Linguistic Justice Ideological Change Across Campuses. The WAC Journal.

“Disciplinary Writing Interviews and the Need for Linguistic Justice Across Professions.” With Engl 201 Class: Abbott, Coller Contractor, Doan, Eble, Fulton, Gall, Garelick, Gunaratnam, Harris, Ju, Kwan, Lee, Lor, Majidi, McCormack, Olezczuk, Robinson, and Zukerman, Another Word: A Blog from the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin Madison, December 2022. https://dept.writing.wisc.edu/blog/disciplinary-writing-interviews/